Bold Listings
$265 for a full year

Bold listings appear in "bold text" in the top part of their respective locations under "Bold Listings" for one year from the date of the Bold Listing purchase.
If your site is allready listed it can be re-listed as a paid bold listing by completing the process below. Let us know that you are listed in the comments box.
After you have made your payment one of our editors will visit your site and review it for listing within 24-48 hours.
Listing does not imply endorsement of any kind. This directory is not responsible or have any control over the content of listed websites. If your site is not accepted the fee will not be charged.

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URL of your Website: required!

Name that will appear in the directory required!

Location: City, Country: required!

Additional info such us "Independent, Blonde Beauty etc.", or additional areas serviced.
This information appears next to your listing.

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Full Name
ZIP/Postal Code
E-mail address
Credit Card Information
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Your card will be charged $265.

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Credit card transactions will appear on your bill as "OLMNET".

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